Hi everyone,

After last weeks ever so interesting experience of having a cool sculpting treatment, I thought it was only appropriate to share a little more into the way my mind works and how this has come to be.

I feel it is very possible for one to have mistaken my curiosity and open mindedness, with a poor body image message portrayal, and for this, I felt a post was required.

I am going to be very clear. I love my body. I say that without an ounce of arrogance, but with a deep sense of self love, appreciation, and knowing that the physical body that others see is what houses my (and what I see as others) greatest assets, the mind and ones heart.

I can’t speak for others, but it is these parts of my body that control my happiness and confidence, and which are the main players when it comes to me pushing on in harder times, rising to challenges, and appreciating the good that is so often standing in front of me.

Kara Landau Travelling Dietitian Nutrition Expert Sydney

Not for one second do I believe that an inch in one direction or the other on a thigh is going to make for a more attractive soul or somehow place me, or anyone, in a higher regard.

I do however also know that I am not everyone, and there may be others who do value this for one reason or another, and I am certainly not here to judge that.

I personally believe in nourishing oneself in all respects;

  1. I exercise almost daily by finding a whole array of activities I enjoy.

Kara Landau Travelling Dietitian2. I eat nutrient dense colourful food that I absolutely love every mouthful of.

Kara Landau Travelling Dietitian Nutrition Expert Sydney3. I surround myself with incredibly warm hearted and intelligent friends, family and colleagues to ensure I feel supported and understood.Kara Landau Travelling Dietitian Nutrition Expert Sydney4. I travel, explore the world, try new things, visit new places, and take in natural beauty to keep an open and calm mind.

Kara Landau Travelling Dietitian Nutrition Expert Sydney

Being taken on an incredible helicopter ride around Sydney harbour as a new experience by www.adrenaline.com.au

5. I chase my dreams when it comes to my work, because I believe we are all capable of having a huge positive impact on the world around us if we put our minds to it.

Kara Landau Travelling Dietitian Nutrition Expert Sydney

Basically, I try to feel alive at all times, because if I don’t live my life, no one else will for me.

Kara Landau Travelling Dietitian Media Nutritionist Sydney

Kara Landau “Travelling Dietitian” – Authoring my book The Clean Separation

When offered the opportunity to be gifted the cool sculpting treatment I was under absolutely no obligation to share anything via my social media. I have worked with the public relations firm responsible for this client as a spokesperson for one of their other healthy food brands i.e it was not related. They simply needed someone there on the day to help with the clinician training, and I put my hand up thinking it would be interesting given my line of work.

I selected to do so knowing that many of us here work within the health, weight loss, wellness and fitness industries, or take an interest in them.

At the training day for the clinicians.

At the training day for the clinicians.

As much as I personally promote finding what truly makes you happy to your core, the realist in me knows that there are people out there that will look to aesthetics as a part of this picture.

My decision to take part in this was made after researching the science and feeling as though it was a safe and non-complicated procedure, but above all, feeling as though it was a very interesting endeavour to set out on.

Information on the science from cool sculpting can be found here, and information from a clinical review on cryolipolysis (the scientific term for cooling fat cells) can be found here.


Kara Landau Travelling Dietitian Nutrition Expert Sydney

Being open minded, open new ideas, learning and being creative.

For someone who has always, and will always, love to feel alive by pushing myself into new experiences; personally having such a treatment, both from the perspective of personally seeing how it affects my mental and physical health, as well as to be able to share this with others who may come into contact with people who are interested in such procedures, seems like an opportunity worth adding to my memory book.

As far as I have been told, this is not being promoted as a major weight loss surgery, but rather for people who are already healthy and active; Not for one minute would I ever think this is a replacement for a healthy lifestyle.

As we all can agree; ongoing healthy lifestyle behaviours are always required for a sustainable positive mental and physical state.

Kara Landau Travelling Dietitian Nutrition Expert Sydney

After having the first session, I certainly felt as though I couldn’t train to my full capacity for the few days following, and I did tell someone that if this continued on for a couple of weeks it certainly isn’t something that I believe would be good for my mental health.

For someone who doesn’t see the mental health benefit of owning scales, counting calories, or placing such significant value on gaining or losing a kilogram, centimetre or inch on my body in either direction, having my day to day endorphin release impeded on due to something that is purely aesthetic does not add up.

Having said that, if I continue to recover at the speed that I am, I think it would only be fair to follow through on the full treatment plan as devised by the practitioner in order to give the treatment a fair review, and truly have this experience to add to my life memories and share with you all.

Kara Landau Travelling Dietitian


I hope that this post helps shed some light into yet another one of the experiences that I am having in my life, and that you walk away feeling as though you know both a little bit more about me, and about my attitude to life in regards to this.

I look forward to sharing more with you as I go through this journey.

Until next time,

TD x

Kara Landau Travelling Dietitian Nutrition Expert Sydney


About The Author

Kara Landau aka "Travelling Dietitian" is an Australian Accredited Practicing Dietitian based in NYC. She is a world explorer, healthy foodie, social butterfly, barre and HIIT class lover. When she isn't trying new cuisines, researching new product innovations in the health food space, or speaking to the media on behalf of her food industry clients, she can be found quietly conjuring up her next idea on how to make this world a healthier and better place.