Melbourne is a very beautiful green city!

Not wasting a second and being fresh off the plane I decided I should get straight  back into the swing of Melbourne life.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of presenting my foodie finds from around the globe this year to my nutrition and dietetic colleagues at a Dietitians Association of Australia Food Industry Interest Group meeting.

My good friend and fellow dietitian, Jemma O’Hanlon, together with myself, had offered to chair the group this year, and we thought what better way to introduce myself to everyone then to give a presentation on my main takings from my travels across the continents over the past few months.

We had a lovely afternoon hosted by Dairy Australia, who of course didn’t let anyone go hungry!

Cheese and fruit platter provided by Dairy Australia at our meeting

I thoroughly enjoyed having the opportunity to both catch up with old friends, as well as become acquainted with new colleagues. It is these amazing people who all play a huge role in making sure that the food supply system in Australia remains honest and innovative for the Australian consumers, and even if only for this reason alone, I hold these people in high regard.

I had been asked by those who attended if I could share my presentation slides following the session. I thought I would post them up here so that anyone that was interested could have a look at the images. I pre-warn you, it is a big file with many pictures so will take a while to download (sorry!).

Food Trends and Product Finds Around the Globe- Travelling Dietitian 2012

If you have any questions please feel free to send me through an email. I am always happy to hear from you!

Dietitians in Australia finally reunited after a year away!

I’ll be sure to post again soon,

For now,

The Travelling Dietitian x

About The Author

Kara Landau aka "Travelling Dietitian" is an Australian Accredited Practicing Dietitian based in New York City. She is a world explorer, healthy foodie, social butterfly, and barre class lover. When she isn't trying new cuisines, researching new product innovations in the health food space, or speaking to the media on behalf of her food industry clients, she can be found quietly conjuring up her next idea in how to make this world a healthier and better place.

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